Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just another fluid approach to Catholocism

I would like to announce that I've gone nearly a whole week following my original Lent vow to be more responsible in my sleep habits.

It's been fantastic! My mind has been clearer and I've started to notice other vices I have. Vices that I really shouldn't have. For that reason I have decided that my Lent is going to be a weekly thing. So cross "Sleeping habits" off my list cause that baby's done!

This week I'm going to focus on Text Messaging. I've been doing it far too often. I blame it on my new phone. Why am I giving up txt messaging? I think I've been using it so much it is interfering with my communication with others instead of helping it.

So there you go. One week without sending one text message. I can do it I swear!


Katria said...

As for your first Lent goal, I've gotten to bed uncharacteristically early the past week as well: no later than 10:00! Of course, I have a cold and that sort of makes a difference. Good luck with the no texting thing. I hear it's addictive.

Anonymous said...

I know you can do it -- I've gone a lot longer without sending one. Of course it was never a habit -- just pretend that texting isn't part of your plan.

Heather said...

That is an interesting plan, friend.

The Chalice of Evil said...

So I assume that you're going to do your best throughout Lent to support others in their goals. Right? :)

Katria said...

So, how did the text-free week go?

Scarlet Flamingo said...

Did you give up blogging as well this week?

Heather said...

I'm making today my own personal "writer appreciation day."

You make me smile. A lot. =)
