Saturday, February 17, 2007

Change of Plans

Last night I went to bed about 2 am. I got distracted by some Board stuff: new applications, questions, etc. Earlier that evening I had planned out my day up till about 1 pm. I even programmed my schedule into my phone so that I'd something nagging at me to get it all done. Going to bed at 2 am really wasn't boding too well for my plans. That's just late enough to switch any intentions I had of being productive with lazy yet oh so sweet intentions of sleeping late. I really wasn't expecting this Saturday morning to be anything more than that.

Well I woke up at 7 and got myself a drink and went back to bed.

Then I woke up at 8. I looked at my clock. Then thought, "I should go to the temple right now. Yeah, that'd be a good idea. I'm going to the temple." I then sat in bed for 3 minutes pondering the decision I had made, got out of bed, showered then dressed in shirt and tie (pants are implied), and now I'm sitting on my couch checking my email and whatnot.

Ok. Time to go to the temple. This is such a cool Saturday morning.

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