Monday, January 08, 2007

Revelation in the Key of Gee I'm an idiot

Saturday I had nothing to do for most of the day. In the afternoon the thought came to me that I should give my Mom a call. Then I thought I should call my married sis and see how she and the kids were doing. I fell asleep and didn't end up making any calls that day.

I got to bed fairly late, due to my roommate trying to introduce me to Mystery Science Theatre 3000. He has a ton of episodes on CD to watch on the computer. I see them as that milk that you keep sniffing trying to decide if it's good or bad but you can't really tell so you use it on a really sugary cereal just to cover whatever spoiled taste you thought it might have had. Yeah, that suits it.

During the night I had a dream about the people I served on my mission...

Due to the high Catholic influence I think, whenever a member would have a baby they would always have the baby blessed the first Fast Sunday possible. In my dream I continued my non-dream thoughts that it's odd they don't wait a couple of months before taking the baby to Church. I dream thought that that's how my Mom always did it. She'd wait a couple months for the baby to get a bit bigger and then take werf to church for a blessing. In my dream I commented that that's even how my sister is doing it with her kids.

Next morning I get up and get ready for Church. I arrived a little early and we did the whole sing, pray, sacrament thing and then the testimonies began. The first testimony was by a wardie and the first thing she said was, "I'll make this brief because I've got to leave early to make it to my sister's baby's blessing."

My mind opened my sister was having her baby blessed! I waltzed out of the Sacrament metting (without a partner), jumped in my car and got on the cell to call my other sister. No answer. I started driving to my sister's chapel (generally an hour away) and my sis called me back.
"Is it over?" I asked.
"They just finished the blessing." she answered.

I hung up and made it to the church in 45 minutes. I was going at least 85 the whole way. I walked through the chapel doors just as the closing prayer was being said, ashamed of the uncle I was.

My sister wasn't upset at all though. She was glad I was there. I'll do better next time. But sheesh. If only I had called my Mom the day before.

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