Saturday, April 28, 2007

A girl named Foodie Squarp: what not to say for a pickup line

If you haven't guessed from my lack of posts to this blog, I've been a little distracted this past month. From the title of this post you're probably guessing that I've gone a few rounds with true love and it's occupied my time so much that I've forgotten you few that read my blog. That's not entirely true.

I fell prey to the distraction of finals like most students during the month of April. Not an excuse? Oh I think it's a very good excuse. Of course quite a few other writers have been posting to their blogs despite finals. That's where the second part comes in and if my calculations from which of my posts has been read the most then this second part is the more interesting part for you all.

Back in February I received an application for a date. Yes, I have a dating application. It's been online for a while and I'd say all in all I've received 4 apps. This particular application was from a young lady by the pseudonym of Foodie Squarp. When I received Foodie's app I quickly read through it and then looked her up on Facebook. Yes, I admit I'm superficial to a certain extent and wanted to see what she looked like. You would have done the same had you been in my position. Admit it.

She looked like a cute little Asian girl but it just wasn't the time for me to go on a blind date. It turns out that she wasn't Asian in the least bit and that's okay. I'm not particularly attracted nor turned off by the Asian persuasion but it's been a funny anecdote since.

Come March, I was over my last romantic pursuit and in a mood that I thought it might be nice to go on blind date for a little fun. I pulled up my applications and decided I wanted to take Foodie out on a date. I asked her out. She said yes.

(There's more of a story here than I'm letting on but I'm not really in the mood to type a whole lot so maybe if you request the story I'll share it.)

The date was a whole lot of fun and I just felt really comfortable with her. It amazes me how natural everything was. We decided to go out the next weekend but saw each other pretty much everyday until then as well. Our first date was March 23rd. Since then, I'll admit that we've only gone 2 days without seeing each other. There have been a lot of very fun dates and nice moments.

She's a real sweet girl. I'm very happy she's put up with me for these past 5 weeks.

There you go everyone! Happy? It's been a while. I guess the above anecdote wasn't too funny though. For those of you that need a laugh:

Yesterday, Foodie was laying on the couch and I came and sat on the edge of the couch right in front of her. I then laid back so my back was somewhat arched over her till my shoulder blades were in contact with the couch. For some reason, this position made me think it'd be nice to pop my back like this. So in an effort to get more pressure on my back I kindly asked Foodie, "Care to throw your hips in my direction?"

Not something you should use as a pickup line. I didn't and never will.

Monday, April 09, 2007

I'm back

Hello everyone! I do apologize for my league of absence but it seems that I decided to give up my blog for the rest of Lent. It was nice but now I'm back.

What happened in all that time?
  • I've taken a couple of exams.
  • I've started to stress for finals.
  • We hired 3 new writers to the Board.
  • I met a great girl.
  • I made Japanese food.
  • I watched conference.
  • I celebrated Easter.
Lot's of stuff I know. Don't worry, I'll think up something interesting to write soon enough. For now just know that I've missed writing but am thankful for the break. :)